Bridge to terabithia answers
Chapters 1-5
1. Q : Why is Jess wearing neither a shirt nor shoes?
A : Jess doesn't wear a shirt because once he is outside it would be as hot as popping grease and he doesn't wear shoes because he only has his worn-out sneakers.
2. Q : Why has he gotten up early every morning in the summer?
A : He woke up in the summer very early because to practice his running while nobody is awake.
3. Q : Who is Miss Bessie?
A : Miss Bessie is a cow that Jess' family owns.
4. Q : What news does May Belle share with Jess in the bean patch?
A : The news that May Belle share with Jess is that in the bean patch that a new family was about to move in at the Perkins' place.
5. Q : Why does Jess like May Belle?
A : Jess likes May Belle because she is the only girl that worships him from 4 sisters and sometimes he is pleased that May Belle worships him.
6. Q : What does Jess keep under the mattress?
A : Jess keeps his pad and pencils to keep his stuff to himself.
7. Q : What was Jess’ first reaction when he met Leslie Burke?
A : He keeps on staring at her.
8. Q : How is Leslie different to the other students?
A : Leslie was different from the other students because she uses imagination.
9. Q : What did the boys organize outside once they had been dismissed after eating their lunch?
A : The boys organize a race of the fifth graders and the fourth graders.
10. Q : Why does Jess sit beside May Bell on the bus?
A :Jess sits Beside May Belle to make sure that Leslie won't sit beside him.
11. Q : Why wasn’t running fun anymore?
A : For him Running wasn't fun anymore because that when ever there is a race of course Leslie will win and the boys now created a new game to play witch is better than running a race.
12. Q : Why was Leslie unable to do the project on Jacques Cousteau?
A :She wasn't able to the project of Jacques Cousteau because she didn't have a TV so she just made up a story.
13. Q : Have you ever had a secret place where you went with your friends? Describe it?
A : No. But I would like to have one that has a tree house and some place magical but not to far and where I can be alone.
14. Q : Who was the ‘real’ giant in their lives?
A :The real giant of their live was Janice Avery.
15. Q : What plan of action do they decide on to pay back Janice Avery?
A :The Plan of action they decide to pay back on Janice Avery is that to write a fake love note to meet her after school and then nobody showed up to walk her home with and that makes her embraced herself